
谁来解放他们? Who could liberate them?-------中国的计生监狱 Chinese family planning prison


These pictures are from the provice which United States government's
human rights report mention about one of the loosest provinces
(according to white paper those provices are jiangsu, zhejiang and
(一) 6-1.JPG

Mr.Li's wife had fled,under the condition of all helpless family
planning workers have to catch him, and his two daughters. While
taking this picture, he and his two daughters have already been
imprisoned in this "reception room" for more than half a year
 (二) 4-2B.JPG
This is the scene of Mr Li's brother-in-law visited him. They can
only speak thought the iron window .Living in the reception room house
and using the water and electricity is free,but the rest of the
articles for daily use can only be given by relatives and friends or
ask somone else bought it for you.The prisoner can not go out.Only
when his wife is caught and had a sterilization operation, and
together with a fine payment then the prisoner can out of jail. And of
course a day two meal cost.

(三)5-1.JPG :从斑驳的“接待室”三字不难猜测得出,它已接待了许多的被接待者,并且一定还会继续接待下去!
From the crumbling and dirty"reception room"tell that it has received
many people already. And it will certainly continue to receive!
This lady with a forced smile whose surname is He.When her little
girl unborn, in order to hiding family planning she leave her home
to sell bananas. Since some familial emergency, she want to sneak back
home unnoticed. Who knows she was caught by the personnel of family
planning who got the news and ambushed at her home . When taking this
photo she just stayed there two days, she was always shaking her head
blaming her bad luck.
(五)13-1.JPG :我想她一定是这世界上最年轻(拍照时刚一岁)最快乐的囚犯!请把她载入吉尼斯大全吧!感谢毛主席!感谢共产党!
I guess she must be the youngest (only one year old)and happiest
prisoner in the world.Please load her into the guinness daqo!Thanks
for the president Mao!Tahnks for the communist party!

(六)5-3.JPG :这位是伍先生,他也是因太太跑了,抓了他来.看他学习认真的样子,可以得知中国政府计生接待室的思想教育工作多有效!
This is Mr Wu.Since his wife had escaped,and he was catch.Seeing
he reading seriously,you will know the Chinese government education
work of family planning in the reception room is effective!

The president Hu is the most powerful person in the world, is
well deserved. Just don't know after Somali pirates saw these scenes
will they jealous?!
Note: if the translation of English have contradiction, Chinese
version is the standard one.
If you don't belive it,you can call this number.The number is belong
to UNHCR in Thailand.
022882230,022882529 or081997617
Please repost it!!